physical therapy income

Physical therapists – often referred to as “PTs” – assist individuals who are suffering from various types of illnesses and injuries. These professionals conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient and create a custom care plan for that individual.

The intent of this treatment plan is to optimize movement, increase range of motion, restore the natural functionality of the body, reduce pain, and prevent disability.

If you have an interest in becoming a physical therapist, it is imperative that you not only determine the income level for the position but also learn about the job outlook associated with the profession.

How Much Do Physical Therapists Make?

Nationwide, the average salary for a physical therapist is nearly $90,000 a year.

In the State of Colorado, physical therapists average approximately $85,000 a year. In some instances, physical therapists have an annual salary that exceeds $125,000. There are many locations throughout the country where these specialists average in at about $43,000 a year.

All in all, individuals that pursue this profession can expect to make between $70,000 and $90,000 annually within the State of Colorado.

growth chart

Is Physical Therapy in Demand?

Currently, there are many agencies and facilities that are in need of physical therapists.

Out of the 50 states, Colorado ranks as number 23 in terms of job availability, pay rate, hours, and opportunities.

The job outlook for those seeking employment in the field of physical therapy is very high and considered to be faster than most of the other healthcare professions commonly pursued.

Job volume and salaries are ever-increasing in this field.

It has been projected that the field will grow at least 28% by the year 2026. It is expected to grow so immensely that nearly 70,000 different jobs will open and become available for fill by 2026.

What are the Top Places of Employment for Physical Therapists?

There are many different types of physical therapy jobs available and expected to become available. The following outlines the top places of employment and the average amount that a professional can expect to make at that place of employment:

The home health care sector is considered to be one of the best opportunities for Physical Therapists, with an average income of $96,070 a year.

This is immediately followed by employment at schools and other types of instructional facilities, with an average income of $95,740 annually.

Those that elect to work at retirement communities or at assisted living facilities can expect to earn about $93,710 each year.

Physical therapists that work at nursing care facilities/nursing homes will make about $92,270 each year.

Child day care service facility physical therapists will make approximately $90,410 each year.

Private Practice

Physical therapy professionals that elect to open their own practice have the ability to far exceed the average earnings as outlined above for other facilities.

In the same respect, those that work in private practice (non-owner), can expect to make anywhere from $75,000-$95,000 a year. This depends on the area worked and the clientele served.

What are the Educational Requirements to be a Physical Therapist?

  • If you have a desire to become a physical therapist, you will first need to obtain a diploma from your high school or get your GED.
  • Immediately following, you will need to take part in a program at a post-secondary education school to obtain your bachelor’s degree. For most, this takes an average of four years to complete.
  • Then, you will need to apply to a physical therapy program that will allow you to get your Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. This will take about three years to obtain.
  • Immediately following graduation, you will be required to spend at least one year in clinical residency.
  • Finally, you will be required to take a state examination which will reward you with a license to practice.

What is the Work Environment Like?

As a physical therapist, you may work in any number of private practices, doctor offices, clinics, schools, private homes, and skilled nursing facilities.

You will spend a large majority of your time working directly with patients and on your feet.

You will often have to walk your patients through the activities that they must complete for instruction.

If you are passionate about the healthcare field, people, and making a difference in the lives of others, physical therapy is the field for you.

If you would like to join a network of professionals in the industry, contact us today by calling:

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