How to Grow Your Physical Therapy Practice

How to Grow Your Physical Therapy Practice

Now that you have opened your PT practice, it is time to work on generating a stream of new patients. It comes down to ensuring that your schedule is as full and that you emphasize the unique value of each and every one of your patients. Grow your profits by...
Start a Lucrative Physical Therapy Practice

Start a Lucrative Physical Therapy Practice

Looking to Create a Lucrative and Reputable Physical Therapy Practice? The Power and Innovation Behind the Colorado Physical Therapy Network Will Help You Do That, AND MORE! Dear Fellow Physical Therapist, If you are reading this, it is quite likely that you are a new...
10 Biggest Trends in Physical Therapy in 2020

10 Biggest Trends in Physical Therapy in 2020

2020 has proven to be quite a roller coaster of vast and massive changes in the physical therapy industry, as well as the healthcare industry – as a whole. Though the year is not quite over, physical therapists have had to quickly adapt to a multitude of changes....
The Importance of Business Networking

The Importance of Business Networking

Connecting with others through business networking helps you increase your knowledge, more readily find sales, tap directly into a pool of valuable tools & resources, and learn what’s working successfully for other businesses. Doors begin to open and you see...
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