The healthcare industry continues to consolidate at all levels.  Payer relationships have evolved into a one-sided hierarchy where the rehab practice has no voice while reimbursements continuously decline.

Frustrated with ineffective national industry associations, a group of Colorado practice owners are succeeding with a unique “win-win relationship” with local payers.

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The Rocky Mountain Rehab Alliance (RoMoRA) was founded based on the following vision:

  • Something must be done to combat ever-declining payments. This is not sustainable.
  • National industry associations are not the answer. Change can only happen locally, by building and leveraging relationships.
  • Quality matters more than ever. And quality has value.
  • A large, state-wide network of practices that deliver, ”predictable and consistently higher quality”, is exactly what every payer is looking for because it benefits their customers (the patients) and it lowers the payer’s costs.

What it means “to be part of the Rocky Mountain Rehab Alliance”, is unique.  Unlike traditional rehab associations where members think, act, and bill independently, RoMoRA has innovated quality standards that deliver a win-win-win scenario for patients, payers, and the practices that participate.  As RoMoRA builds its membership, local payers benefit from statewide access to rehab practices that think and operate as “close partners who are on the same team”.

Beyond relationships, quality, and strength in numbers, RoMoRA is leveraging technology with something called, “Adaptive Local Billing Technology”.  This is intelligence-driven billing, capable of routing claims through preferential credentialing contracts which are unique to RoMoRA.  The initial results are impressive.

Q1 2021 Results:
Average 5.2% increase in collections per claim
Average 35% decrease in technology-related expenses

With additional fine-tuning, the RoMoRA Group expects increases in collections per claim to approach 10%.

As their website ( states:

“We’re tired of waiting for someone else to find the solution. You can’t enjoy the miracles of change…. Unless you change something”

Moving forward, RoMoRA continues to nurture relationships, delivering exactly what payers want the most:  Quality.  Not surprisingly, the number of RoMoRA’s unique contractual payer relationships continues to increase.

RoMoRA will outline these breakthrough achievements very soon.  Colorado practices will be invited to be part of this ground-breaking, state-wide network.

To learn more visit our website.

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