Rhodiola for Fibromyalgia

Not many people know and understand how to use Rhodiola for fibromyalgia sufferers.

The plant, which is referred to as “Rhodiola Rosea” originated in three different areas in the world. These locations included the mountains throughout Asia, various sections of the Arctic, and were also located throughout Europe. Ancient civilizations heavily depended on this particular plant for healing purposes.

Ancient documents from Greece and Russia indicate that the doctors of these ancient cultures actually prescribed Rhodiola for a variety of common ailments.

Today, this natural herb can be highly beneficial to the fibromyalgia sufferer – especially when used in conjunction with physical therapy.

There are at least a couple of hundred varieties of Rhodiola. However, the variety that is referred to as “Rhodiola Rosea” is the one that provides the most benefits to the individuals that suffer from the devastating effects of fibromyalgia, a rheumatic condition that affects both men and women –  but is more common among women. The root is the area where the health advantages stem from.

Many may refer to the root of the plant as “Golden Root”. Then, there are some that refer to the root of the plant as “Arctic Root”. Regardless of what it is called, the root of the popular Rhodiola plant has many different health benefits.

Many – actually most – individuals that have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia suffer from the effects of chronic fatigue and low energy levels. These individuals may be pleased to know that by using Rhodiola they can overcome low energy levels and fatigue.

Not only does this natural herb provide the advantage of allowing you to have the energy that you need to succeed in completing all the tasks that you set out to do each day, it has been found that the neurotransmitters in the body are elevated. This is important to increasing metabolism, decreasing the possibility for one to become depressed, and it also provides a boost to the molecules in the body that are responsible for energy in general!

When the fibromyalgia patient experiences high levels of stress, the symptoms of fatigue and “fibro fog” set in. This increases the possibility for illnesses that are stress related to be experienced. Heart disease, high blood pressure, suppression to the immunity, and even stroke are examples of illnesses that can be induced by high levels of stress.

Rhodiola is considered to be an “adaptogen” and can result in the body’s ability to combat illnesses that can be experienced as a result of stress. In addition to this, for fibromyalgia patients that experience mental and/or physical exhaustion throughout the day and have symptoms such as a mild to severe headache, sleep disorders, eating disorders, and gastrointestinal complications, Rhodiola can counter these symptoms effectively.

Many fibromyalgia patients suffer from a physiological cognitive impairment that is referred to as “fibro fog”. The symptoms that accompany this condition often include the inability to focus attention, complications in retrieving information from the short-term memory, as well as concentration challenges. Patients who take Rhodiola are likely to experience fewer episodes of “fibro fog”.

There are many ways in which Rhodiola can assist fibromyalgia sufferers.  Women who are pregnant should avoid this particular treatment. If your patient is being treated with prescription medication, they should consult with a professional in order to ensure that this will not lessen the effectiveness of that medication.

As a physical therapy professional, it is imperative to focus on natural treatments instead of synthetic treatments for the relief of the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

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